Archive 2012-II
What I have been up to in the second quarter of 2012 – in parallel to my freelance and part-time work:
April 2012:
Attended the Internet Show Melbourne
Completed term 1/2012 of co-tutoring a photo book course at Mosman Community College (Saturday)
Attended the SWF event "Private, Public and the Line In-between"
Attended FCA board meeting
Attended the meeting of the Northern Beaches Writers' Group
Completed term 1/2012 of attending teacher training courses (Psychology, Personal and Professional Development, Anthroposophy) at Rudolf Steiner College
My course "Write, Publish & Market Your Own Book" at Mosman Community College is advertised.
May 2012:
Attended Sydney Writers' Festival
Started studying at Rudolf Steiner College (teacher training: Social Forms, Personal and Professional Development, Destiny, overnight farm visit; Term 2)
Attended FCA board meeting
Attended the meeting of the Northern Beaches Writers' Group
Started teaching "Write, Publish & Market Your Own Book" at MCC (Term 2)
Attended the speaker event of The Society of Women Writers NSW at Mitchell Library
Attended the ASA seminar "Get Branded" about Social Media
Attended the Internet Show Melbourne
June 2012:
Attended Jour fixe event of Verband Deutscher Schriftsteller in Hamburg, Germany
Completed term 2 at RSC (teacher training: Social forms, Personal and Professional Development, Destiny)
Completed teaching "Write, Publish & Market Your Own Book" at MCC (Term 2)
Co-ordinated ASA lunch
Was the speaker at the luncheon of The Society of Women Writers NSW at Mitchell Library