What was going on in my life aside from paid work in 2018:
January–April 2018:
Voluntary legal guardian of my father
Volunteer at the retirement home Haus Sonnenschein (German Red Cross):
Leader of the weekly colouring-in group
Secretary of the Advisory Board (Bewohnerbeirat)
Promoted my book, Leben nach Korsakow: Danke für das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen (ISBN: 978-3740731458)
27.01., Hannover: Attended Extraordinary General Meeting of the political party Bündnis Grundeinkommen (one-topic party for the Unconditional Basic Income): was elected as Interim Regional Chair for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern into the federal board of the party
31.01., Hamburg: My 1st performance at the Diary Slam at Grüner Jäger
01.02, Schwerin: Visited the city's castle, where Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's state parliament is held
01.02., Hamburg: Attended opening night of "Free Lunch Society" at the Abaton movie theatre
28.2., Hamburg: My 2nd performance at the Diary Slam at the venue Grünen Jäger
08.04., Meldorf: Visited the volunteering convention
25.04., Hamburg: My 3rd performance at the Diary Slam at Grüner Jäger (Winner)
May–August 2018:
Voluntary legal guardian of my father
Volunteer at the retirement home Haus Sonnenschein (German Red Cross):
Leader of the weekly colouring-in group
Secretary of the Advisory Board (Bewohnerbeirat)
11.–13.05., Koblenz: Met friends
25.–27.05., Kassel: Attended meeting of the party Bündnis Grundeinkommen
30.05., Hamburg: My 4th performance at Diary Slam at Grünen Jäger
14.–16.06., Marbach: Researched at Deutschen Literaturarchiv (German Literature Archive)
27.06., Hamburg: My 5th performance at Diary Slam at Grünen Jäger
30.06., Hamburg: Attended the regional meeting of Netzwerk Grundeinkommen (network for the Unconditional Basic Income)
16.–20.06., Emmendingen (near Freiburg, Breisgau): Researched at Deutsches Tagebucharchiv (German Diary Archive)
September–December 2018:
Voluntary legal guardian of my father
Volunteer at the retirement home Haus Sonnenschein (German Red Cross):
Leader of the weekly colouring-in group
Secretary of the Advisory Board (Bewohnerbeirat)
01.09., Bad Essen (near Osnabrück): Presented and read from my books at Paracelsus Hospital for 300+ guests
06.09., Heide: Attended event of Dithmarscher Betreuungsverein (supportive organisation for guardians) about guardianship of addicts
08.09., Hamburg: Attended Open Day on MS BLEICHEN
13.09. und 16.09, Hamburg: Attended Harbour Front Literature Festival
20.12., Hamburg-Harburg, My 6th performance at Diary Slam, this time at Bunthaus Schankraum
Archive (2010–2017)